While the 12 Days of Changes have reached their 12th day, I don't consider this the end. I have learned so much about myself the past couple weeks. When you take time to look at what you don't like, it provides the opportunity to change. When you take the opportunity to look at what you do like, it provides the opportunity to do more of it.
Several things I chose to change for a day, will become long term objectives. Some may fall off, but what I learned most of all is that every day is a new beginning. And if I didn't like something the day before, it is up to me to change it.
Recap of the last 11 days:
- No Coffee For A Day - This one only lasted a DAY (but hey I met the challenge right?)
- Fire Safety - This one is ongoing. I still need to find a place to put second fire extinguisher & think more about document storage
- Exercise - This is still a struggle because of less day light. But that day of getting out made me want to do more. So tomorrow I'll be going for another run. And hopefully several days a week going forward.
- Crafting - Challenging myself to easy crafting, was so much fun, that I made a few more cards. Including a Birthday Card for Hubby. I hope this trend continues.
- Being responsible for my own Moods - This one is really great. Day 5 Helped me to rethink who makes me happy. The fact is - Its Me!! I can make myself happy or make myself gloomy. The moods of others should not affect my own. Period!! And I have since found that to be useful the past couple of days.
- Being Conscious of my words - Woah! This one is hard. I'm not talking about being mean with my words or anything, just watching what I say and remembering that silence can be better sometimes. (yes really really really hard for me) <no comment mother>
- Not arguing with the child - This one came in quite handy today actually. Having that reminder by doing this challenge was a great help. Amazing how often they try to push your buttons. Even the best of children.
- Reusable Bags - My plan was to immediately put the bags in the car. But I went to sleep instead. I MUST do this before heading to the store tomorrow. (update, I remembered them before heading to the store)
- Sleep a full 8 hrs. - This is the only one from that challenge that did NOT happen. Not sure who (canine or human) but someone had me up at 5am. Always another day to try though, I won't give up trying for this one.
- Trying new Raw Foods Again - This is one of my favorite things to do. While there is not a 100% raw food diet in my near future, I do LOVE trying new raw foods. The more I try, the more I can incorporate, the better I feel and the easier eating this way becomes. A work in progress, for certain. I tried 3 new things this week... OH MY YUM!
- Coupons - I have to stop getting mad at myself for forgetting the coupons and just start taking them. Goodness! It paid off this week, and I hope to remember each week from now on.
NOW for #12 The Grand Finale ------- This one is a Doozy and goes closely with #5... I can't believe I'm actually typing it.. but here it goes:
Thinking of the Positive in every situation, even when people are being negative around me. Tonight, I almost caught myself engaging in a conversation with someone that was being negative toward me.
Something in that moment struck me loud and clear. "Be positive even when they are not"
I quickly ended my portion of the conversation, went on with my chores after a long days work, then broke out in song!
My song went like this, as I was doing laundry, making dinner and cleaning up the kitchen:
(yes, I made this song up, I know you can't tell by looking at it) hahaha!
"Think-ing of the pos-i-tive, Think-ing of the pos-i-tive - I have Dishes to clean - food to cook, laundry to wash and a happy outlook. Mouths to feed, safe and sound, no one can say anything to get me Down"
Then I would dance around with my Thinking of the Positive chorus! It was a site I tell you!
Mr. Negative Pants, gave me the rolled eyes look and said "What are you doing?" As I shimmied across the kitchen singing my song, exercising and cleaning.... I looked right back at him to answer his question with this:
"I'm Thinking of the Positive of course" And continued with my song.
He shook his head and went down stairs. Guess he just couldn't join me! And you know what? That is OK!
I'm realizing more and more, that I have to make my own happy. If people want to join me, all the better. If not, I can't let them get me down. By Golly By Gosh, I have too much to be happy about!
Now Join me....
Thinking of the Positive, Thinking of the Positive......
Do you let other people get you down?