**Men, this one is also not for you**
**Ladies, I'm sharing again in hopes my story can help get you through your own stories... And heck, there isn't much you can do in these cases but laugh.
All my results came in from my "women's" visit.. And all is well, its confirmed that the Mammo came back fine, along with cultures, blood work and everything else. My Hormones are all normal (in spite of what Hubby may think) and all the cancer tests are null and void..... So it is so... There is nothing wrong with me except for some mysterious lumps that mean nothing, some leaky faucets that don't know how to turn off and some "moved core muscles" all of which are results of either getting older or giving birth.
Yes, it was discovered that all my Organs (not the musical kind) have shifted... My "inner core muscles are no longer holding everything in place" I'd like to think Gravity is pulling them down, but in reality this is what I think happened...
My organizing lil'veg that must organize everything by color, shape, and status was very busy while in my stomach. Most babies you can tell if its a foot or elbow that is kicking you in the gut, but I could never tell. My lil'veg rolled from side to side and back and forth more times then high school kids run up and down a basket ball court... He never kicked, just rolled and flipped and flopped... We couldn't ever tell what he was doing, and people would ask "What is going on in your belly" My response was always "I HAVE NO IDEA"... Hubby thought it was an alien and the whole thing grossed him out... But now after all this time, I finally know what that lil' guy was doing inside my belly....
He was reorganizing my Organs.. I bet he was in there thinking "Oh No, this just won't do! You are red and you belong over here. You are Yellow so you belong over here. And you look like a balloon, so you must go with the other balloons over here" I'm convinced that's why he took so long to decide to come out. He had to finish all his "jobs" before deciding all was good and he could leave my belly.
Not to mention the strenuous labor and delivery where he had to do that "HIS" way as well. Good thing I'm a Mom that allows choices or we would have had issues from the get-go. *smile*
So to that end, everything has moved & shifted.. which is common actually but not necessarily at my age. I'm supposed to start taking yoga and stop jogging. Apparently jogging is giving me a little too much "shakin' going on" and Yoga is supposed to help strengthen things on the inside.
Unfortunately I'm not the "Yoga" type... I can't pretend I'm on the ocean, if I'm not really there. And I certainly can't "feel my eyelids relaxing" or "feel myself breathing" You either breathe or you don't.. And its not voluntary...Feeling stretches all the way into your toes? Well your toes are always stretched, aren't they? Anyway, I just can't get in to the Yoga thing.
Jogging is something I can set as a goal and make myself do it, so I'm not going to stop for the time being. I'm hoping eventually if I stick with it this time that things will begin to tighten and other things will begin to lift back in to place. Today I made it 4 miles! Woohoo!!! I guess if I keep this up and things don't lift, then some day I'll be walking down the street and find my internal organs wrapped around my ankles.. But heck at that point, gravity will have taken its toll on the rest of my body and other things will have sagged around my ankles too.
I guess, that's when I'll have to do Yoga. (Then I can imagine things are lifting) *SMILE*