Hubby is now as addicted to my Vegan cupcakes as I am and actually helped me make a batch tonight. He's been asking for 2 weeks and I couldn't find my mixer. He said "I'll hand mix them if you'll make me a batch of those cupcakes"
I could just picture him stirring until his arm fell off just to get these cupcakes..... And then we found the hand mixer.... Veg came running in asking to help. So there we are, all three of us making cupcakes in the Kitchen when the phone rings. It was my MIL (mother-n-law)....
"What are you doing" she asks
<Making Cupcakes>
"Cupcakes? for his school?"
<Nope, just making cupcakes>
"For the house?"
"Your really, just making cupcakes to eat at your house?"
<Yes we are>
"Well OK then"
Now I'm not sure why she was so surprised that we would make cupcakes just to eat at our house.. but she probably hasn't been in touch with the latest cupcake craze that is sweeping the nation... Ya No, its not just my house... NOPE... There are entire bakery's and web businesses and clothes and crafting supplies and books all dedicated to the VERY YUMMY CUPCAKE.... And the fact that I can make VEGAN ones when ever I wanna... Is a good thing!
I didn't have the heart to tell her that this was probably the 100th batch I've made since my sweet baker friend got me started with the Vegan Cupcake Cookbook....But I guess some secrets are better left untold!