Usually when making this dish, I start with baking a potato.. While its cooking I cut up some fresh veggies and mix in a small sauce pan with a can of Vegetarian Refried beans, Lemon Juice, Taco Seasoning and garlic...
When the potato is done, I scoop some of my beanie mixture on to the potato and top with salsa... YUMMY!!!! And soo easy and quick.... Who needs tortillas when you have potatoes in the house? And by the way... Beans & Potatoes make a complete protein....Double Bonus!
Well today, I decided to add in a bit of the baby food veggies to sneak in a little more vitamins.... So I added the following to my Beany Mixture.... Corn, butternut Squash, Sweet Potatoes, and Spinach.... The Mexi Taters, tasted better this time then ever before...
Hubby, is eating good these days... Not sure he ever realized what he was missing while ignoring my kitchen excursions....Usually he'd eat a bowl of cereal saying he didn't want "my" stuff... But now, he's chowing down... And is probably eating healthier then he has his whole life.
And today he had to answer this question "Aren't you craving meat?" He said "NO" and then they asked how he was getting his nutrition? I never understood why people think Vegetarians don't get nutrition.... But when the guy asked that question, my Hubby defended himself and me saying that Vegetarians can eat healthier then meat eaters.. and then said "My wife makes sure I get everything I need"
And By the way... His last gout attack only lasted a few days... WooHoo!!!