First let me say ---- YAY! I can load pictures again.... Unfortunatly I've still lost many pictures and my archives lost their style sheets... *sigh* Thats what I get for trying to be Tech Savvy! Ugh!
Now - The reason for this post.... I was told by a fellow Mom that Target had Reusable shopping bags and she went on to explain how they folded up and were so convenient, etc.
Personally, I've never been a reusable shopping bag kind of person... I'm going to look goofy walking around with my own bags? What if something leaks? What if I forget to use them? Why would I pay for bags that save the shopping center money? Blah blah blah!
And Then... I listened to that Mom along with some others.. While at Target yesterday I found the bags she was talking about, and found my self compelled to buy 2 of them. The red one pictured below is the bigger one... And when I checked out of the store, I used my new shopping bags. NO PLASTIC ONES!!! For some reason it just felt good. (maybe because I had just been so wasteful by throwing out all the expired stuff) But It was nice. And all my groceries fit inside those two bags. I couldn't believe how much they held. When I got to the car, they were easy to carry. And fit nicely, leaving plenty of room in the Trunk for my next stop.
At The Health Food store where I got the rest of my groceries, I saw two pretty bags (pictured below), of which I had to buy. They were even bigger then the Target ones and held even more.
Once home, it was very nice, to just put all the groceries away and then have 4 bags that I could fold up and put back in my car for our next shopping trip. Instead of having an entire floor filled with plastic shopping bags that I then had to find a place for. (that is always so annoying)
So I have to admit that the Reusable Shopping Bags ARE COOL!!! And I may even have to buy a couple more! *smile* My sorting nature says that I need to have one for frozen foods, one for fridge, and one for pantry items.
I mean really.... If the frozen stuff sweats it will make my non-frozen stuff soggy - We just can't have that!!! So there, it is said... I need at least one more pretty shopping bag. *smile*