In our shower we have a removable shower head for cleaning said shower... For the past 6 years, I've climbed up on the tub to reach the switch that turns the removable shower head on.
For the past 6 years its been IMPOSSIBLE to turn and I always struggle but get what I need done and clean the shower/tub without any trouble.
This week my Sweet Sweet Hubby decided to help out on his own free will (because I asked him a few times) and he cleaned the Shower for me...
I came home to find this:
Whyyyyyy do I have two kinked hoses in the shower???? I'll tell you why!
Because Hubby was going to clean the shower and noticed how hard it was to turn the lever and so he thought he would "FIX" it for me....
And then it broke... and so the only way to keep the water pressure coming through the actual shower head while actually taking a shower is to KINK the removable hose thing.
Soooo that is why I have two kinked hoses..... But at least I have a clean shower! *smile*