Mr. Vita-Mix was busy today:
Green Smoothie to start:
We're running low on ingredients, so this one had:
Spinach, Peach, Coconut Water, Coconut Shreds, Pineapples and Strawberries.
What is one to do with so many Raw Sunflower Seeds?
Make Raw Sunflower Seed Milk, Of course... With some water, a little Vanilla and a little Sweetener.
Very Good... could have used a tad more water then the book called for. But otherwise, it was really good. I'll be using it this week on anything that calls for milk. Yum!
Hubby saw my Sunflower Seed Milk and said "WHY?".....
Why not?
And some Hummus Anyone?? I finally made a good Hummus!... Should I say Mr. Vita-Mix made some good Hummus.... Thank you Mr. Vita-Mix.
I see you down there creamy hummusy goodness.... I've never been able to make an edible hummus... After my last try, I gave up for life.... (until today)
It actually made A LOT of Hummus... Glad I halved the Recipe... Eek!
Garbanzo Beans, Tahini, Water, Lemon Juice, Olive Oil, Garlic Clove & Cumin... It is cooling now, but even warm, it was Sooooo Good!
After the Hummus, Mr. Vita-Mix got to take a rest.
When ever we have a late lunch, Veg requests a light Dinner. And today was no exception... Insert the Muffin Tin (that isn't tin):Pomegranate Seeds, Sliced Pear, Carrots, Broccoli, Potato, Homemade Granola w/ dried fruit and walnuts.
In usual fashion he went for the Broccoli first, then went clockwise until every bit was gone... My Sleepy Boy went off to dream land with a full and happy belly.
Of course that makes me a Happy Mom! Now if we could have just avoided the tantrum that happened prior, I would have been a very Happy Mom then too..