My young one is having a lot of trouble getting his gigantic molars through his little face. They started about 2 years ago, and got stuck part way through. So they are now forcing the rest of their way in...
The dentist said "Now that looks really painful, if it hurts, you be sure to tell your Mom so she can give you medicine"
My Veg said all matter-of-factly... "We don't use medicine in our house, we use natural remedies" hee hee...
Those proud Vegmom Moments....
Anyway, I told him if they hurt, I had things to help him, but he didn't want any of those. And then yesterday, he looked so pitiful..... I stopped off at our local Health Food Store and found this:
I tried it on my self first.. It tastes like Spicy Pumpkin Pie... After a few moments I felt my lip a little tingly and sort of numb but not like the medicated kind of numb. Just a slight tingle. Then Veg was ready to try it....
When I first put it on, he said "Mmm, this smells good, but isn't doing anything for my toothache"
Then about 5 minutes in to our drive, I hear.. "WOW, Now its kicking" He ended up eating his dinner with out problems, going to sleep without it hurting, and waking up my happy boy!!
So I'm not sure I would use it on babies teething.. it is spicy to us, and a little strong... It more heats up to tingle and not cool down.. But for my Vegman, he LOVED IT!!
He's asked for it two more times since yesterday, and has had no pain today at all.