When I was a baby, my Mom was the only that would hold me... When I was a toddler, she was the only that would put up with me. As a Teen, she was the only that understood me, and as an adult she was the only that supported me.
When I was waiting to become a mother myself, she was the only person there with me 24/7.
When I brought my baby home, she was the one there to help me trust my instincts.
When I broke my foot, she was the only person that flew in to help care for me and new baby.
When my son wanted to talk for hours, she was the only that would sit on the phone long enough to listen, and when my heart ached during some of the hardest days of my life, she was the only one on the phone long enough to listen.
It is easy for me to say that she has been there my whole life, but it is harder for me to share to the extent that she has "REALLY" been there my whole life!
She takes time to be present in every conversation, she listens, understands and supports. She will jump in a pool with all her clothes on, just to help a grandchild be willing to swim. She'll get on the floor no matter how much her body parts ache to keep a child entertained. She will laugh a big ol' belly laughs and brighten up a room, or cry because one of us is. She'll sit still for hours because someone fell asleep in her arms, and stay awake long past her bed time because someone wants to talk (me)...
She'll take puppy kisses even if they give her a rash, just because she doesn't want to hurt the dog's feelings. She'll read the same book 1015 times with a kid and not even fuss once. She'll go outside with bare feet to play in the snow, dance in the rain, or hug someone goodbye.
While every day is Mother's Day, today I dedicate this blog post to My Mom... The most amazing person I have had the opportunity to be related to.
Hope all of you have a wonderful Sunday, a Great Mother's Day and be present... turn off the digital stuff, listen and enjoy every minute!