Just FYI, won't be posting here for a few days while I head out to a wedding... but as I reminisce, I'll post this:
I have only been to 7 weddings my whole life (that I remember)...
One was an older cousin.... I was a young tot at the time but I remember having to dress up and couldn't stand it.
Two was my own... a pair of jean shorts and pink t-shirt is all I had to wear at that one
Three and four were Navy friends... A pair of jeans and sweater was perfect at each.
Five was my step sister's... I had to wear a dress... Not Happy!!
Six was my brother's wedding... This one on a ski slope and ski gear was as fancy as it got!
Seven was my bestest friend... SHE MADE ME WEAR A DRESS!!! While pregnant... NOT NICE!
So if you were keeping track... Shorts, Jeans and Ski Gear make for awesome wedding attire. But Dresses, not so much. I mean really.. what does it matter the type of clothes I wear in the grand scheme of a wedding? Why do they have to be fancy at all? Me wearing jeans is not going to make or break a marriage and me wearing a dress is not going to guarantee marital bliss.
In fact most couples don't even remember the event because they are too busy, too nervous or too tipsy to pay attention to who is wearing what. Which leads me down a whole other rant about spending so much money on a wedding you may or may not remember.... oh never-mind...
NOW # EIGHT is upon us.., will be my younger cousin's wedding! The dress is "Dressy Casual"... They will be playng the SUPER BOWL at the wedding, so we don't have to dress fancy, but jeans are not an option.
Soooo, I have to dress up casually... which is kind of confusing... Me and dressing up, don't go so well together, but casual, I CAN DO! As for the whole wedding thing itself, my younger cousin is also a crafty cousin and has already proven how fun and creative she is making this event.
Which means, I may just have a really good time, even if it is a wedding and even if I have to dress nice *smile* I'll be seeing some family that I haven't laid eyes on in 30yrs.
Should be a ton of fun to see everyone and I'm sure there will be stories to post upon my return!!
Have a great weekend!!