No, not my wedding.... the one we went to last week.
My crafty cousin did NOT disappoint. From the moment we walked in to the hotel there were goodies waiting for us:
Her Super Bowl themed wedding was so much fun, the hotel was perfect (even traded out my pillows for non-down with out any hassle), staff was amazing, food on all fronts were taken in to consideration.. Even veggie goodness at every corner.
The Mall attached to the hotel offered the biggest and best salads ever (along with some coffee and chocolate, shhhh!)
It also offered me a new outfit to wear since I could no longer fit in my pants. Yup, dropped another pant size and had to go shopping. Not only did I wear a shirt that I would never ever ever wear in a million years, but I had a necklace on and a belt even.
While I was shrinking, my sweet Veg boy is growing and required his own new pants. Note to self... if ever traveling for an event, make sure a mall is always attached to hotel. Talk about PERFECT!!!
A fun extra that went along with this trip was the Snow. Because we didn't have to leave the hotel for a few days, it felt like we were inside a snow globe. Even the youngest generation was enjoying the view:
Speaking of the youngest generation, this was the first time that some of the cousins met, and man did they have a good time. Swimming, video gaming, chatting... but their favorite part was during my crafty cousin's reception. Each table was full of mini footballs of which the children made their own. Soon the hallway was full of mini footballs and children running EVERYWHERE!! I may or may not have witnessed several adults coming out to join in the fun. I'm talking 100's of footballs.
The kids stayed up late, the adults got to visit, seeing relatives that I haven't seen in over 30yrs. It was an absolute blast.
Once back at my Moms the snow kept falling, to the point my little Mini couldn't exit the driveway... If her husband didn't help us get out, I would have thought it was a conspiracy to make us stay a little longer....
Vegkid had some shoveling fun too:
As for the drive? Well we hit some scary spots on our way up with a whole lot of Snow Squalls. In fact we found out afterward, there was a 40 car pile up in Michigan. Thankfully, we missed it, but was sad to hear of those that didn't.
Have to give HUGE kudos out to Ohio's road crew. OH MY KALE... they were on top of every snow squall, with their lights flashing as a beacon, plows and salt clearing the way for little mini drivers like me. It was amazing how hard they worked.
On our way back the roads were completely clear, weather perfect, snowy views were so beautiful and we arrived home to 65 Degree temps.
A trip with so many family memories. Vegkid laughed so hard and for so long that his cheeks hurt and his belly was sore. In fact when I asked vegkid what he thought of my family he said "They are all crazy"....
Yes... yes we are! *smile*