Well, obviously it has been quite a while since I've posted here.... And I just went back to read my year in review for 2016!
Whoop... Back up... The reason I'm posting today, is because the teen and I were talking about the idea of "Vegmom". How this blog and our local Mom's site was such a big outlet for me once upon a time. We were talking about communication before social media, and then before blogs, and then... you know, that pen & paper thing with envelopes, or actually answering the phone to talk to people while tied to a cord in the wall spinning in circles. (Did anyone else spin in circles with the cords? Or was that just me?)
Anywho, then I realized that I hadn't dropped in here for a while, but haven't had any adventures to report either. Which lead me to reading my 2016 in review. I love looking back through posts as they are so energizing... And then I realized that this blog has passed it's 10yr blogiversary without any fan fair or recognition of any kind. I started when Veg was 3ish, and his now 14? What?????
That is crazy to me! Okay... side tracked again, sorry!
2016 was the year I said "Fudge It" and said "Yes" more.... It was rejuvenating, refreshing, full of new adventures, and life!!
2017 would be the year of Opportunity. Taking everything I learned and grew from in 2016, plus the contacts I'd made by stepping outside of my bubble, and putting it all in to practice. So here we are at the end of April already! Yeah... that is crazy to me!!!
What has changed/happened at the VegHouse since December? Well... Let me tell ya!
- The Vegkid is now 14
- He does CrossFit with me and is a beast with no fear. (who knew?)
- We are training for a 5K together (technically, he is training for a 5k and therefore I am training for a 5k)
- His birthday was a weekend packed full of local adventures including learning to safely shoot a rented gun at a pretty awesome indoor resort style range. Which was pretty much the highlight of his life.
- We've been to Jump and climbing facilities, where we learned he is quite the ninja. (who knew?)
- We are all registered for High School and starting to discuss driving soon.... seriously, time flies....
- Our little miss princess dog, had some medical issues, but rather than take surgery as the first course of action (per the vet), I opted to try some homeopathic drops, and Voila! Medical problem gone, no surgery needed... Shewww, dodged that bullet...
- I finished another CrossFit Open season and Local competition through some health conditions of my own thanks to that bonk on the noggin last year that apparently did more than just a little cut on the head.
- I've learned to be kind to myself and my body, do what I can until I can do more.... So I'm now PRing lifts, and relearning several movements that became a challenge, while working towards losing the added pounds that hormones brought my way during this head debacle.
- The Teen challenged me to have pull-ups again by the end of summer, if he PR's his 5k... which he will, and so I will....
- My books are now in several libraries and stores around our town, and have two more book signing events creeping up. Which means I had to buy more books. Pretty cool to watch my stash dwindle.
- Oh, and that corporate wellness contract that I signed??? Yeah, that has been AWESOME!!!! Four months in, and I've had the opportunity to coach over 800 people so far! The contract was only six months, so I'm not sure where things will go by June, but such a wonderful opportunity this has been to help people create the change they wish to see.
- Of course, I've been coaching personal clients as well, and watching them change their lives along with that of their families has been such an incredible blessing. Sometimes I look at my "job" and think, "How in the world did I get here?".... Seriously a dream come true with so much more in the making. But it all started with Vegmom.... Did I mention, this is all Ca-Razy to me???
- And can't forget about the fitness classes for kids I get to coach weekly, the fitness playgrounds we set up at events, nor the competitions, some of them are training for.
- Making sure to get my craft on too, as I want to walk the talk and keep growing my creative outlet. I seriously feel like when we stop being creative in what ever avenue we choose, than we stop living.
- As for writing, I've been really big in to the social media outlets lately. Both to promote my own brand, inspire others, and promote share/build content for all the events and classes I've been teaching. So I haven't kept up with any of my blogs lately, but do have ideas for a second & third book in the making and am still writing guest posts for others.
- Had to say good by to Miss Mini... My little Coopers were the absolute best cars I'd ever owned, but the time came to get a new little bean with less maintenance costs and more miles worth of warranty.
To say that I'm keeping moving is an understatement... 2016 was definitely a year for down time, reflection, travel, making memories, trying new things, growth, and catapulting what I want out of life to the next level. 2017, is the year to put all of that in to practice!
We haven't traveled at all this year, due to crazy schedules, crazy weather, or just because we didn't feel like it. But the teen and I are making sure to spend a ton of time together before high school starts (which CrossFit has provided us - new post coming soon on this one), and I'm hoping for some kind of whirlwind adventure this summer, between contracts and school schedules.
Usually we are spur of the moment kind of travelers, and just take a good weekend when we can. But lately, I've allowed the weekends to be down time to catch up on computer work, refresh, clean, be creative, or get outside. Of course many events fall on the weekend too, so they aren't all R&R. But this summer, there will be at least a week or two to say YES to adventures!
Truth is, this year, I haven't felt the need for a vacation. I haven't even felt the ocean call! Maybe because I got my fill last year? Maybe because time is limited, or maybe because I'm living a life that I don't need to vacation from! Either way, I hope for an adventure before summer is over, as I know those times are limited to create memories, as the teen moves on to High School life.
AND THAT my Vegmom Friends brings you all up to date!!! (or should I say brings me up to date, for when I reflect on this in four more months) Ha!
If you are out there and you see this, I hope you are doing amazing wherever life has taken you and that 2017 is your best year ever!
~Hugs and Happy thoughts~