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Posted by Vegmom on July 26, 2015 at 12:15 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I've been meaning to share this phone picture for a long time. But figured you would really think I lost my top to see what I keep in my Desk.
Then I figured you already know I lost my top, so why not share!
Every time I open the overhead at my desk I feel like I have my own little Apothecary.
I surround myself with things that make me feel better in hopes I'll never need them. But if I do, I'll be glad to have them. Not to mention I can't stand work germies.
So I come prepared:
Left to right:
I'm not very fond of the Seventh Generation smell, so I only use that one to wipe the desk and door handles down if someone was visiting that I know to be sick. Otherwise, I'll wipe messes up with water or towels.
Now, if someone is really really sickly, also happens to be a nail biter (Ewwwww) and they touch my desk.. I'll skip the wipes, and go straight for the Tea Tree oil. I try not to do that too often or my office neighbors may get really annoyed.
The Tummy drops have saved me at least 100 times. Nothing worse then eating something that doesn't settle well and have to work all day with a sour stomach. Phooey! I do love those drops. YES they are for kids (shhh, don't tell) but I'm a kid at heart, right?
I keep the Coconut oil around for lotion, lip balm, paper cuts, sudden fever blisters or just because I really like the smell.
The Smelly Salt Jar, is a home made concoction for those days that I have a stress headache or feeling tense or sniffly (this Idea came from a good friend, and I love that little jar)
Grapefruit extract hand wipes, are good to have for extra sticky fingers after eating my morning fruit or to clean and refresh my hands, face and neck after a sweaty walk. Quickly get back to concentrating status.
Green Tea bags when moistened with cold water are awesome for swollen or itchy computer staring eyes. Also for allergy, pink eye and any other pink'ness. And I've been known to use them for swollen gums or burns. And of course drinking hot tea on a cold day is quite tasty.
As for the ACV and Tea Tree Oil... Oh my goodness. I could go on ALL day long regarding the reasons I keep these two things with me every where I go. Home, Office and Vacation... But my favorite office use for the ACV is when I'm in a meeting of Sneeze and Coughers, I'll go back to my office and swab my nose with the ACV.. I was told that it kills the germies upon entry. Not sure if it really does, but makes me feel better.
Also if I walk past a smelly perfume desk and get the sneezes myself, ACV swabs of the nose, always seems to nip that right in the bud!
Soooo, that is my office remedy cabinet.
Keeps the sick bugs, stress bugs and allergy bugs away, while keeping my skin smooth and my tummy happy! What else could a girl need??
What do you keep in your desk?
Posted by Vegmom on September 28, 2011 at 08:58 PM | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
We use Glass for almost everything these days, and Stainless as well... I'm actually becoming a little obsessed with these containers, but that is for another day... *smile*
First it was the glass to replace plastic storage containers. Then it was my Tiffin, Eventually found the Glass Straws (thanks to friend for my first try at them), then Glass Water Bottles, which we were soo excited about...
And NOW... my plastic ice tray can become a storage bin for paper clips, because it is getting OUT of my freezer....The whole plastic/cancer thing, especially when frozen, always made me an unhappy camper... Finding an alternative has been very difficult though... UNTIL NOW!
I introduce you to my new, Stainless Ice Tray from "Life Without Plastic":
(still gotta figure out the whole foodsaver bag replacement, but one step at a time)
I must say, it was easier to pop out some of the ice then I thought it would be. BUT, there are a few in the center, that I haven't quite figured out an easy way to get them. And I had to fill/freeze/dump a couple times to get the yucky stuff off the blade things that didn't come out in the wash.
But otherwise, it has been a cool gadget. The Ice freezes A LOT faster, and is ready sooner, which I LOVE... especially without an ice machine in our kitchen, this little gadget will get a LOT of use!
Posted by Vegmom on September 06, 2010 at 12:15 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
You may recall a few days ago I mentioned Hubby requesting more Glass Straws in the kitchen....
Thanks to Glass Dharma his wish was granted... We now have Quite a few... All different Shapes and Sizes!
Bring on the Smoothies.................
Posted by Vegmom on September 05, 2010 at 03:45 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
We had Double Smoothie Days this week...
During the Smoothie Goodness, Hubby said "We need more of these straws".....
---OK--- Don't have to tell me twice...So there are a few more on order at Glass Dharma, and everyone is excited.
I got a few different lengths and diameters to accommodate all of us...
Now we have to wait for their arrival..... Come quick little Glass Straws.....
Posted by Vegmom on August 27, 2010 at 07:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
There was a time when our Microwave was used EVERY DAY... I'm happy to say, I rarely use it now...
In order to make room in the Kitchen for something else, I plan to get rid of the microwave. Then repurpose it's stand and make a nice corner with just our phone and Aloe Plant.
Hubby is not so keen on getting rid of the Microwave... So he issued a challenge.... He said... "I went Veg, and you got me an Xbox, if we drop the Microwave, I get a new TV" (mind you we don't have TV channels or cable.. He just wants this for his prettier games)
So it seems, everytime I do something to make him healthier, he gets a new Electronic Device... Something is wrong with this picture.... But hey, at least I got Mr. Vita-Mix and a Healthier Husband, so I can't complain!
As it stands now, Hubby is pondering this little challenge.... And said he will get back to me in a few days.. hee hee...
But this night was fun, watching him use the microwave for himself and making these little comments...."I won't be able to do this anymore, it will take 5 minutes on the stove" *smile*
I have to admit there are times that I do use that thing in the winter, and will be odd to not have it after all these years. But I'm sure we can make due and be better because of it....
So could you do it? Could you live without a Microwave?
I'll keep you updated.. this challenge could get fun! *smile*
Posted by Vegmom on August 20, 2010 at 12:54 AM | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
It all started with ONE little Tiffin... Just one Tiffin to hold my lunches... That thing on the right..
But now I can't stop... I see cute little stainless containers and I must purchase them.
It's becoming a little bit of a problem... I found the three tiny bowls (pictured in the front) at Target on Saturday, and had to make them mine... My collection keeps growing...
But they are sooo cute... All the little containers.. And they hold so much goodness... for lunches, snacks...nuts, fruits, dips, desserts.... All plastic free and waste free... No baggies used in the making of my lunches...
I guess, as long as I don't find any more of these little containers, I will be OK. My wallet will be happy... but if by chance I find one more... Hmmm....
Oh Never Mind!
Posted by Vegmom on August 16, 2010 at 07:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
We don't have curbside pickup of Recycles or a neighborhood Recycle Center.. So we used to keep totes and huge bags, fill them with recycles and then drive them several miles to the nearest center.
But This year, we went to a couple festivals, and each was giving these Bins for $5 donations...
Our little Recycle Center looks so much nicer now....
When the Bins Get full, Hubby takes them off to the nearest Center. I can't imagine NOT recycling anymore. It is sooo much a part of what we do every day...
But even better that I have an organized space now to put them.
Posted by Vegmom on August 03, 2010 at 07:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
We found this during our trip to Asheville and I was Soooo Excited!
A Glass Water Bottle (or smoothie in my case) with cool color cover thing....
Life Factory is the brand and they have baby bottles and sippies too. Soooo wish I'd known about these 6 years ago... Everything tastes better in Glass, and no chemicals leaching. Its a Win/Win!
So then Hubby sees the bottle and I thought he would say "NOT ANOTHER BOTTLE" but instead he said...
"I WANT ONE" Which means I will be purchasing more! This one is already stocked with tomorrow's Green Smoothie action... Which I made tonight because I have an early start.... See....
Posted by Vegmom on July 25, 2010 at 09:17 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Posted by Vegmom on July 09, 2010 at 09:44 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Look Look Look what I got for my Birthday Present from my Crafty friend....
And by the way, her gift isn't late... My Dad said that he didn't "miss" my birthday that he simply extended it! So that is my new motto for late gifts. Even gifts from my Crafty friend...
It wasn't late... Just extended my Birthday and that was a wonderfully fun surprise today.
So back to the gift... She got me Glass Dharma Straws. I'm soooo very excited. I have wanted these since I first saw them last year. They are reusable, made with the good stuff in the USA, and Guaranteed for life. OH and dishwasher safe.
And even cooler that she got one for Veg size cups. He was SOOO excited! I can't wait to use them and stop with our plastic waste.
She also got me a Recipe Journal... which is too funny, because I made myself a recipe journal before I knew there was such a thing to buy. See Here!
And it is getting full, I told my self last weekend that I needed to start another one... and then VOILA! I got this:
It even has Veg friendly labels:
My old goat of a journal can now be retired:
Thank you Crafty Friend... Such wonderful surprises today! I really really really appreciate them.
Posted by Vegmom on June 09, 2010 at 10:20 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
We had lots to do today around the house, and that means Veg is on his own to find entertainment...
But then he made up so much fun from the recycle bin, that I had to stop what I was doing to play too...
Here is what he came up with:
Set up 10 water bottles at the end of a hallway, and make a bowling Alley with Nerf Balls...
Set up 4 in a diamond area and make Baseball Bases... using Nerf ball and arm as bat.
Spin Two on the Kitchen floor and see which one spins the longest. (no kissing involved)
Pop holes in the top of a Water bottle then fill 1/2 way with water, take out side and use to water the herb garden.
Last but Certainly NOT least:
Cut the top off of a Water bottle and try to flick marbles in to the "target"
Now I'm off to have more fun... I mean clean, I mean get stuff done....
Posted by Vegmom on May 29, 2010 at 12:53 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
While I tend to have green foods these days with or without minor injury...I had lots and lots of it today, just because I was home and I could...
Of course this! Actually - 2 of these: (the white froth is coconut.. yum)
Reason # 539 that I love having a Dehydrator (and am home all day to use it):
Kale Crisps... Ooh La La:
The start of a salad with raw asparagus by the way... my new favorite thing:
And the lettuce thrown on top...Look at all that green:
These... NOW THESE are not Green... they are supposed to be raw but I didn't have any raw nut-butter, so they are actually not raw, but Soooooooooooooo Good!!! Oh my...I didn't even know food could taste so good. Really!!
Before going to a mostly Plant based diet, my taste buds were so different. Things that taste good, really really taste good. Sensations in my taste buds that I didn't know existed.
The strangest combination of ingredients and NO Machines needed. Just a bowl, a spoon and some very sticky hands, then a freezer..
Another recipe from Kristen's Raw - Dessert Book.
And this little guy... The green thing... It is our little compost bin that we keep in the kitchen. It has a filter on top to keep the smell down. Veg is the Compost police.."It MUST go out once a week Mom, and we have to clean it every time"....
As much stuff as we put in this thing, we will actually empty more often, especially in the hot summer months coming soon.
We've already noticed a significant difference in that Big Garbage can having less contents. In Fact, I think we only used two bags in that thing all week and one of them just changed out today. And the one from today, was because we emptied all the other trash cans in to it for our Sunday clean up.
If you need a little compost bin, we found ours at For Small Hands. The site also has extra filters and books all about composting. We've had it filled with stuff for two weeks (knowing our tumbler was almost in place) and no stench in our kitchen at all. I was really impressed. Not even the banana peel smell came through.
So there you go... Some Green and some not so green, but a very Yummy day to say the least!
Posted by Vegmom on April 25, 2010 at 09:29 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Hubby finished the door, with locks, seals and all... He then put some of our leaves, some organic soil, some grass clippings, Coffee grounds and other compost foods from our kitchen scraps....Spun Spin Spun...
Last night, he and the Vegman went off to buy some red worms... (ewwwww) And they put them in the Barrel to finish our Compost Prep! Spin spun Spin..... Poor worms... they were probably getting motion sickness.. "What's happening to meeeeeeeeeee"
Since it is off the ground, it won't get worms naturally... or so we were told.. Hence the purchase...
Today the boys went down to check on the worms:
Yup, they are still in there! Hello Wormies....
And by the way... check out that door..Hinges and all... I'm thinking the Hubs could do this for a living... Anyone want a compost bin?? Or just a door? *smile*
Posted by Vegmom on April 22, 2010 at 06:51 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Yay... Its almost done!! Needs a couple holes for air flow, and finishing touches on the door and handle... But it works... and fits... and Mr. Wheelbarrow can fit right underneath to haul our happy dirt off to the Garden..
Assuming we get some happy dirt... First we have to find some happy worms. But I'm pretty sure this will save us 80% of our current waste!
He's been working on it all day... and a little yesterday..... And in to the night:
Our Compost Tumbler is now in its permanent home:
It spins, it has extra rods inside to help the mixing happen and is fastened for life to the posts of our deck.
The Barrel was free as it was an extra from a Farm that Hubby was Volunteering on. They get these from a Winery and use them on the farm for Rain Barrels... Hubby had a different plan for our barrel as you can see.
The supplies ended up costing about $50, but only because he needed a couple tools. PLUS decided on getting bigger pieces of things then he needed, so he would have extra for other projects.
Extra Time involved, was taken because he had to figure out what to use for all the moving parts... That would be strong and last, and then couplings, to make it look decent.
But also because our barrel didn't have a LID... So he had to cut that hole in the side and then come up with a good door. That was functional, but secure.
And of course we had to keep it away from critters, not too close to the house, but close enough that we didn't have to walk through Dog Poo to get to it.... This Composter thing was a MUCH bigger project then Hubby planned.
I'm pretty happy with the outcome.... And guess what.......I HAVE A COMPOST TUMBLER!!!! Yippppeeee!!!!
Thank you NB and Hubs for the suggestion!!! And thank you Farm Lady for the Barrel... Of course thanks to the Hubby for all his planning and working....
Oh Happy Composting!! *smile*
Posted by Vegmom on April 17, 2010 at 09:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
I posted the other day about NeeNee's "spa" like vacation when she visits our home, and then mentioned the no-yelling.. but I don't want it to seem like we are this perfect little family in a perfect little house with out any issues... because if you've read my blog for any amount of time, or if you know my family, WE HAVE ISSUES...
But I'll start with the story of my Mom and how I grew up... She lives in a house where there is smoking. There is a TV on, even if people aren't in the room, and there is noise. Electronics, fans, appliances, NOISE! She also cleans, A LOT... and uses her tried and true all time products... the kind that aren't so good for you, and she takes care of everyone around her. Neighbors, friends, family, spouse.. And she works, and she cooks, and she.... Well lets just say, when she gets away she needs and deserves a BREAK!
So when she comes to our home its like an Oasis... but it Hasn't always been that way.
Meat, Toxic Cleaners, TV, Video Games, HFCS, artificial stuff, junk, junk, junk was every where you looked. We'd stop for fast food as in junk... We didn't know what a label was, let a lone reading it.
And then the story goes that I became Vegetarian for health reasons.. and a little non-dairy... Eventually I became allergic to eggs, so I eliminated those too... and one day I got Pregnant... I was told not to clean with the certain ingredients...But that my Hubby could... Great excuse for me not to clean, but got me thinking... If its not good for me to touch, inhale, or breath around those cleaners, then why would I want them in my house. Why would I use them once I dropped my cargo and have them around my baby... But I was still learning...
Over time, I began eliminating and replacing cleaners with more healthier options. I began eating more pure foods and feeding my baby only the best... If a label wasn't understandable then it didn't need to be in our bodies. I gained more access to Organics.
More time went on and I started reading, learning, taking in data.... Wondering what these foods were that I was eating or was about to feed my child. Wondering why I was still feeling bad some days.. I learned more about chemicals, preservatives, fake sweeteners, artificial colors and flavors... I realized that an Artificial Christmas tree is grand, but putting something without a name, just that it is ARTIFICIAL in my body... NO THANK YOU!! What is that really? ARTIFICIAL??
I started realizing that when something said "Made with real apples", if the apple was the very last ingredient, they could still say it had real apples in it. Or "made with 100% juice" sure.. and 90% other stuff... but there was 100% juice in a part of it. I looked at more labels and learned more hidden things. Or sugar free, yeah don't get me started on that one... Fat free... OY!
And over time, my pantry and fridge became void of these ingredients that I decided didn't need to be in our bodies.. I now read ALL labels.
Sure, we eat out a lot, and that food is not in its pure form. But what is in our home is void of all that other yuck. What I can control, I do.
Eventually we got a big health food store. I started replacing all my bathroom stuff. Shampoos, Conditioners, Soaps, to their all natural, no animal products or bi-products counter parts.
And one day we went through a bummer with my Young one, where he had to be hospitalized... There was NOTHING good about that torturous experience, except I learned what Doctors were and were not capable of.
Many doctors, specialists, tests, later, and it all came back to me needing to figure out what was wrong with my child. It came to me to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! And to make a difference... Up to me to get him off the Medication roller coaster they put him on. And there was no looking back.
This experience pushed me over the edge in to finding ways to help our bodies fight sick bugs, help us stay well, boost our immune systems, find what triggers caused my child's episodes. And I learned that as a Mother and a Woman and a Human, that it was up to me to be his advocate. My advocate. It was up to me to make a difference in our lives and make us feel better naturally.
And most recently the Raw food journey... in addition to the removal of our Cable and "accidentally" never getting the service changed ... (whoops..silly me, *wink*) And so we now have Fridge full of fruits and veggies, and no TV :-)
I'd say this has been about a 12 year journey. (or more) its been a little dibble here and a dabble there, and learning as I go. It was certainly NOT an over night shift... But it is what works for our family.
And coming home always feels right! I wouldn't have it any other way.
Posted by Vegmom on December 17, 2009 at 10:57 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
A Hanging Towel.... By far THE COOLEST THING VEG EVER MADE ME.....
Here is the story...
This morning when putting laundry away, I found this old hanging towel that has seen better days..
I told Veg, that I wish I had more of them because we would probably use a lot less paper towel, if we had some more of these handy....
"Well Mom" he says, "I can make you some, I learned how to sew buttons at my Montessori school"
He proceeded to tell me that he could do 2 hole or 4 hole buttons and just needed some supplies. Here was his list:
We rounded up the supplies, I left him alone and got this:
In case you need a closer look:
OK, so the BEST part of this whole thing, is that Veg is now the Paper Towel Police.....
"Dad, you don't need paper towel in the Kitchen, if you just washed your hands, use the hanging one and save a tree"
Seriously, he said that.... and all night long... "Don't forget to use the towel and save a tree"
I am soooo loving this towel... And made out of totally Reused/Recycled goods!
He put Extra knots to make sure it would last through the Laundry Machine when needed... Hopefully it will last us a long long time!
Posted by Vegmom on July 05, 2009 at 09:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
----Warning this is a long one, and nothing anyone will be interested in, but I'm posting for the purpose of looking back in a few months or years and remembering where I was---- (and maybe if someone sees this while in a slumpy state like me, they can think about ways to change for themselves)
I would say for the past 10+ years I've been eating healthier then many... My Vegetarian diet got me healthy in the first place. Losing weight at a time I needed to, changing my skin tone, my monthly visits, losing headaches and allergies, dropping my blood levels to safe amounts.... Providing a healthy pregnancy and delivery etc.
Soon I got complacent... I leveled out...
While I ate lots of Greens, Beans, Nuts, etc. I also ate a lot of Pasta, Rice, Vegan snacks and goodies.. and my horrible recent weakness would be the Choco Coffee Beverages from a well known coffee chain.
On top of that I developed unhealthy habits of not eating breakfast, sometimes skipping lunch, snacking more, eating a HUGE dinner because I was so hungry from my day, and then snacking through the night while I worked late...
I told myself, all that was OK because I was working late after all and I needed to keep myself awake... I told myself I could eat lots of snacks because they were Vegan and therefore Healthy, and I was exercising several days a week so it didn't matter how many calories I took in.
Never did I count calories because, Who Cared!! My thought was (and still is) that if I put in my body all natural whole foods that it didn't matter how many went in.... Never did I count Fat grams because anything I ate with Fat was the "Good Fat" and our bodies do need fat. I had these talks with myself....
I continued to eat cooked Veggies or processed Veggie Meals, and less and less fruits because I didn't have time to wash an apple? It was easier to grab a bag of chips or a Cliff Bar when I was hungry.
Fast forward to this year...I started training for a 1/2 Marathon, I aged a bit, got less and less sleep, and my eating habits continued to spiral.......... and something happened. My body Rebelled..Genetics kicked in...... My skin was breaking out worse then ever, all my body parts started changing, my monthly visits got worse, and I gained over 10 pounds while training.... Thought, "I should be losing weight, what is wrong with me?" But as time went on, I continued to gain weight...
Now I'm at the highest weight I've ever been! Seriously, I weigh more now then I did at my highest point of pregnancy... I am exercising more and eating less, why do I keep gaining??. While I don't look like this anymore:
My body has shifted in different ways, I began to look tired all the time, clammy break out skin with wrinkles forming (all over) Droopy eyes that go with 1/2 my family genes. None of my clothes fit, and I just stared feeling all around Yucky!!
I told myself, I needed a change... I told myself, I had to do something or I'll be bigger then Hubby on my 40th Birthday.. I'll need an entire new wardrobe by Winter because nothing will fit. And I don't want to be feeling this way!! Why should I?? When I know soo much now about healthy foods, WHY would I let myself get here?
So I started the No Junk Food Challenge with my friend.... When I'm held accountable by someone else, I knew I could pull though. I knew it would be easy for me to follow through with my Bet. Much like the 1/2 Marathon... it started as an agreement, and I knew I would finish... The No Junk Food Challenge was much of the same... Started as an Agreement and I finished....
30 days with no junk (vegan or otherwise) forced me to choose Veggies and Fruit for snacks.... And when the challenge was over, I had no desire to eat a Vegan Cupcake or Vegan Peanut Butter cups any time soon. I was Junk food free... While I still lost no weight, I did feel good about my food choices. I felt alive again and not draggy. I stopped snacking at night and going to bed earlier... All changes I didn't expect when embarking on the challenge.
Then the exercise Challenge, some persistent co-workers, a new exercise machine at home, and a Personal Training Session... I'm now exercising consistently 4-6 days a week and LOVING IT!!
Because it is so much a part of my routine, there is no "Work" involved. Its not "Something I have to do" it is something I want to do!
I'm sleeping better, feeling better, my strength is increasing every day, and I've made the decision that I want this to continue. I'm making time for me, exercising RIGHT instead of pushing the un-natural.. and its making an impact on my family too. Veg has done three 5K's now, he likes to exercise with me, and my time with him is High Quality because I feel good. Hubby is slowly slowly as in turtle slowly considering getting on board as well.
Now there is the Raw Food Challenge, started for the purpose of Raw foods. Thanks to my recent obsession with Blog Land Recipes, hearing a radio show at the right time, and going to a book fair just when I needed a new book, then seeing how much Good foods are out there, I quickly realized this is the change I've been looking for. Its what I've been needing... TO EAT!!
Not to mention when the signs and tools are in front of you to make a change for the better, choosing not to shouldn't be an option.
So Eat Well... and Feel my new motto! I need breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and snacks. My Body needs fresh Fruits and Veggies EVERY DAY!
I need some uncooked meals to mix in with my cooked ones. My body doesn't have to eat at midnight to stay awake.. It should be SLEEPING! I do need High energy snacks during hard work out days and that is OK. I'm thirsty and when I'm thirsty I should drink something. Don't put it off until a conference call is over or one more issue is resolved....Keep water with me all day, and guess what, I'll drink all day!!
And yet again my family is changing as well. Veg ate his first Date this week and LOVED it. Hubby, ate Hemp Seed, Dates and Goji Berries (He is LOVING the Goji berries)... We are all eating fruit every day, and all having breakfasts now to start our days.
If what I do positively affects them, imagine how what I do negatively affects them? I'd much rather stay on the Positive side of that fence...
Its only been 2 weeks since I started down this path and only one Full week of the challenge. This morning Hubby noticed that my Back had lost all its marks, and my face was "glowing" he said... Really, mentioned that my complexion was a much better color and I had a glow. I've noticed things tightening up a little bit, even lost about 2 pounds. My hair is Fluffier (not that I needed it fluffier) and I just feel good. Tired when I'm supposed to be (like now) and sleeping well almost every night (soon, I will be)...
My appetite has shifted so much since that first challenge a couple months ago.. And now even more so... Today we spent 3-4 hrs outside mulching our front and back yard flower beds. (5 scoops of mulch) along with filling up a $9 pool for Veg to play... I had energy to do every bit... and when I was hungry, I didn't want chocolate or sweets, I just wanted a cold refreshing Apple.
While I always split a cookie with my vegman at our fav. veggie place, now I only have a bite. Sweets of the Junk food variety do not even Tempt me anymore. A tiny bag of Vegan animal cookies at work lasted me all week. And when I didn't finish them, they went in the garbage (wasteful yes.... but I also won't open a bag now for that reason, and save them for my comrades).
Even the Vegan blueberry cobbler that Hubby made last weekend. I had a small bite each day. The sweetness was overbearing....
Trying new foods has been soooooo much fun! I feel like I did when I first became Vegetarian. This is like a whole new eating world, just when I thought I had it all figured out... I was missing sooo much good stuff.
Hubby said today "There is just something different about you?" I'm smiling more, being silly more, I FEEL GOOD!! I'm rested...... YES work is still stressful, YES I still have a full plate and not always getting it all done, YES, my house is a tad messy, and I'm not doing everything I could be doing.
But I FEEL GOOD, and there is always tomorrow to get the rest done. If there is NOT a tomorrow, then at least I had a good day today!
Amazed if you actually read this far..... Stay tuned for your regularly scheduled Vegmom programming (it won't be so serious, I promise)
Posted by Vegmom on July 04, 2009 at 12:15 AM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
While I've enjoyed a few farmers markets in the past, I had yet to find one I really LOVED and trusted the source.... Until today...
We finally made it before they ran out and before they packed up for the day... and I finally got to see all their wonderful treasures.... Tent after tent of the most fresh, yummy looking Veggies, as if I'd planted them in my own garden... All locally grown, reasonably priced, and most said organic or at least pesticide free.
The people were helpful, the signs were helpful, and I will surely go back... Between now and Thanksgiving... I can't wait to see all the wonderful things the farmers bring in the fall.
Here is my bounty!!
The biggest Zucchini ever:
Potatoes and Cucumbers:
Oh and the Organic potato guy, he hands them to his wife and says "Weigh these" she holds them in her hand and says "about a pound" he looks at me and says "$2.00"..... I LOVE FARMERS MARKETS.. By the way, 3 Cucumbers = $1.... REALLY! and not a Dent on them!!
AND I FINALLY DID IT!!! Got some Herb plants..... Not sure what I will do with them, but I have to think quickly! *smile*.....
Currently I'm already drinking some Earl Grey ICED Tea with Mint Leaves from my first ever herb plant....
How Refreshing!!!
And Basil... don't these leaves look soooooo good!! He helped me pick the best ones, and did I mention?
ORGANIC! I can't wait to cook with these babies!!
Now I'm just hoping I can keep them alive!!
On a side note, my Smoothie this morning consisted of the following Raw goodness.... AND to my little blog heckler (and you know who you are) I DID NOT ADD SOY MILK... ha ha
Pineapple, banana, strawberries, spinach, sweet potato chunks, flax, Filtered Ice and water,
And my Lunch, again had tofu (not raw) as we ate out... but did have raw sprouts, tomato and onion.. Instead of chips I requested fruit, and they gave me Watermelon, grapes and orange.
Upon coming home I weeded a VERY BIG flower bed, as well as trimmed shrubs, and weeded the garden. I was outside for at least 2.5 hours in the baking son, (not including our earlier walk or farmers market excursion) when I came in All I wanted was an APPLE... I couldn't get to my apple fast enough... Seriously, WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME????? GIVE ME FRUIT!!!!
Oh what will I do when winter comes.... Sure hope I give my self time to freeze some of this fresh seasonal goodness... not sure it will count as raw come winter, but I'm going to eat it anyway.
During "apple" time, I realized I wanted some Iced Tea... Not just water like usual, just Cold Refreshing Fresh Ice Tea... And then I remembered the Mint I just purchased.... The rest is history!!
I will be making a LOT more of this tea... Probably not so raw, but sooo good and cold and fresh, and real raw herbs... Yum!!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend where ever you are.
Posted by Vegmom on June 27, 2009 at 03:25 PM | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
While I'm not going to eat raw food all the time, and this was just a way to introduce some new foods and new eating habits to our family... I have been amazed at the help I've received from Raw Food Bloggers all over the world....
People I didn't even know answering my questions both on here and via email..... So even without the fancy contraptions, I will be taking a new food journey... shifting from total Vegetarian (partially Vegan), to a Vegetarian (partially Vegan) that eats a lot of Raw Food.
Today was the beginning of that "official" journey, as I like to start on Mondays when I do new things... Not sure why? I'm just strange like that....
And it started with a Green Smoothie.. This time my Magic Bullet did the trick... But Hubby mentioned that a Vitamix may be in my future..... Could it be?????:
Ingredients.....(all organic) Spinach, Apple, Pear, Banana, carrots, strawberries, Soy Milk and Ice. (I forgot the flax... whoops)
Verdict: I couldn't drink it all at a normal breakfast time! It filled me up completely, it would be several hours before I finished drinking this green goodness...
And how cool is that? No snacking, No coffee, No feeling hungry, plenty of energy to start my day, even with not much sleep. And something to sip on for a couple hours that tasted quite yummy!
Then between 12 and 3pm, I munched on some Walnuts, Apples and Peanut Butter, some pear chunks and Carrot Sticks....
Around 3:30, I started to feel draggy... needing something filling besides Fruit to eat... which means tomorrow, I will be bringing some thing more substantial for Lunch... Today I just grabbed what I could without having groceries in the house. So I was lacking something.
And by 5pm, I ate one of Veg's Cliff bars from my purse... So in total it was a Healthy Food Day and Mostly Raw, for a first one (outside of the cliff bar)... my Dinners will remain Non-Raw until I come up with good recipes that I can realistically make....
Speaking of food??? I have some Shopping to do!
Posted by Vegmom on June 22, 2009 at 06:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
We are currently a NON-Medical Medicine house... and with the Gout coming back yesterday, Hubby once again had to make the decision of Medical Care or not... He chose NOT!!
Soooo... He is eating cherries, lots and lots of cherries.... Fresh, Frozen, juice.... all cherries.... And last night, I convinced him when his ankle was too swollen to move, and he was in more pain then he could bare, fever racing up and down... All the joys of this YUCK!! To sit in a tub with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and water.
Between that and the Cherries he saw relief... Even slept through the night, and woke up this morning able to walk. Another dunk in ACV and a couple times through the day... swelling is gone and pain is gone... He's still a little gimpy and sore, but 80% improvement....
Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE ACV!!!
Posted by Vegmom on June 20, 2009 at 05:37 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
I have made lots of smoothies in my day... we LOVE smoothies in our house, but never have I just thrown in RAW Veggies...
At my first attempt at trying to do so... This is what I came up with:
And this is why I NEED a Vita Mix Blender.....
My Magic Bullet wouldn't pulverize the veggies like I needed but does crush ice very well...So I tried the food Processor.... You can see what it did to the veggies, but wouldn't touch the ice cubes.... Grrrr....
I realized quickly that I don't have the tools needed to go totally Raw.. I don't have a dehydrating thing-a-majig, nor do I have a VitaMix and really nothing else that would help me in this endeavor....
OH Woes Me!!
Alas, this one was quite tasty... Because of the blueberries, the color turned more grey then green...
Veg said he LOVED "GREY JUICE" (his name for this drink) and would drink it again.... BONUS!!!
I liked it as well, and could certainly add more variety next time. Hubby was a little Iffy on the chunks though I didn't find it too chunky (once removing the ice).....
So YES, I will make these LOTS more!! And I can see how filling and uberly deliciously nutritious they would be for a start to the morning... Now if I could only get a Vitamix.... hmmm? Maybe some day!!!
KubicleKitchen Friend - Does this count for Breakfast?
Posted by Vegmom on June 20, 2009 at 05:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Because Vinegar is my friend, I was sure to bring some with us on our trip... Never know when you may need it.... *smile* While it stopped my bug bite itches as always, this time, I was glad I brought it for Sunburn also.
The hubby is a tad stubborn (Just a Tad??? or more....) And refuses all type of sunscreen... Needless to say he spent a cool soak in the tub with Vinegar poured in several nights.. While it doesn't take the burn away, it takes the sting out and cooled him down....
He was quite happy that I decided to pack it. While Apple Cider Vinegar seemed to be best for this, I only brought the White Vinegar and it worked fairly well....
A couple days later, I let Veg bury my feet in the sand. He missed a spot, and with my shoe off, I had a big sunburned patch on the top of my foot (The only place I didn't place sunscreen)...
It was actually pretty painful, more so then I remember a normal sunburn being... I think the hot sand made it worse. ANYWHO? I placed a cool wash cloth soaked in Vinegar on the top of my foot, and while I walked around smelling like a Pickle, the pain went away, swelling went down, and I could wear shoes again....
Vinegar is still my friend... Not sure it has let me down yet.
Posted by Vegmom on June 08, 2009 at 01:37 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
I've been on the Non-Toxic cleaner kick for a while now, and pretty much removed all toxic cleaners from our house except one...
Dishwasher Detergent
Hubby was set on a brand that I wasn't fond of... And he couldn't understand why i had such a problem with it... Never mind their animal cruelty (I mean testing) and everything else... I also have a problem with toxic chemicals on our dishes.
I could be wrong, but the steam that comes out of the dishwasher while cleaning seems it would spew the toxic stuff in to the air of our home and not to mention the residue it leaves on the dishes that we then consume with our food.... And where the toxic water goes after it leaves our home.... blah blah blah...
YES - I realize there are toxic things in my home, including the carpet and paint and who knows what... and there are toxic things outside my home, and the air we breathe isn't so pure.... But where I can control it, I'm choosing to do so.....
I was determined to find a suitable alternative..... And get this last toxic cleaner out of our home... Because of our water, and our dishwasher, finding one that worked and left no residue was actually very hard to do.... Something that worked for my friend down the street, may not work for me and vice versa...
I've tried everything from Biokleen to Seventh Generation to Earth Friendly products, and many more...... Some of these work great for others, but just not with our water. For more then 2 years, I've been on the hunt for a cleaner that we liked, left no residue, no funny taste, and no odor...
Finally The Winner has found our Dish Washer... Some how, Some way, this little Tablet thingy does the trick... And knowing its a Method Product, I feel good about whats in it.
Yay... And it passed the Hubby test.... I even went with Not Rinsing an entire load before putting it in, and they still came out clean and shiny and sparkly... And left something caked on and dried out, one that our other natural products wouldn't touch... but this cleaned it without a problem...
Needless to say, I'm a happy camper.... and my dishes are happy too.
Posted by Vegmom on June 07, 2009 at 11:30 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
We went to a popular toy store today that we haven't been to in at least a year. I noticed they had all kinds of "green" toys. Including tea sets made out recycled milk jugs.
But the biggest surprise was walking up to an entire section filled with organic and veg friendly snacks. They had all my favorite brands...AT THE TOY STORE!
Then I turned my head to notice a pets area with organic all 100% cotton toys for dogs. AT THE TOY STORE!
It was just Odd! A welcome change, but ODD! It does show that my type of Demographic is a growing part of the shopping force, or a chain store of that size wouldn't change their offerings in such a big way..
So for that I'm happy!! Even if I'm still considered a fruit loop, at least I must not be alone.
Posted by Vegmom on January 17, 2009 at 03:18 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Since when do I get all excited because I walked out of a store, and realized that I had remembered ALL these things when I went in that store....My list, coupons, cash and reusable shopping bags.
And even more excited, that I remembered to use the List, Cash, Coupons and Reusable Shopping bags...
And guess what? I had money left in my envelope to put towards next week, and that I actually have a few meals pre-planned?
When things like that excite a Gal, I think she really needs a life! Who me??
Posted by Vegmom on January 12, 2009 at 09:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
I posted earlier about buying Recycled Toilet Paper for the first time... Well, we finally opened up the first roll...
At first glance it is soft... Veg said "how did they make that so soft?" He was happy...
The claims on the package are true, there is no Lint stuck to your hiney when your done wiping. However it is SINGLE PLY! Which the package neglects to tell you.
Let me put it this way. There are "Folders" and "Wadders" when it comes to Bathroom business... Even the folders will learn to Wad if they buy this paper.... In order to get remotely enough coverage to not mess up your hands, you have to grab enough paper that the roll will be empty in one day...
So I guess at the end of the day, I'm not sure how environmentally friendly or cost effect it is.... We shall see.. Maybe there is some magic behind the single ply to make it last much longer.
But it is soft!!
ETA - There is in fact magic to the one ply... We are at the end of the day and there is still 3/4 left. By those calculations this roll should last us at least twice as long as its two ply non-environment friendly counterpart.
Posted by Vegmom on September 16, 2008 at 06:32 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
While at my son's school today I noticed a pretty big Pumpkin growing on the play ground. In a rather strange spot and very much attached to a vine that was growing out of the ground. Upon closer inspection I also noticed tomatoes... lots of tomatoes....
Curiously, I inquired about those items planted in such odd places, and the Teacher informed me that they were NOT planted???
OK, was it magic? Did they say the word PUMPKIN, and one appears out of the ground... They must have a green thumb... RIGHT?
NOPE... They have a compost bin that all the children contribute to... Apparently at some point left over tomatoes from someone's lunch made it in to the compost bin... And I would imagine the Pumpkin seeds came from last years Pumpkin Carving.
At some point, the Compost Bin decided to put these seeds back in to the earth and the earth decided to take really good care of them, and VOILA? There is a giant pumpkin and lots of tomatoes growing out of my Son's School Playground. How Odd?
Maybe this is a normal thing?? I have just never heard of it, which is not a surprise....We do plan to have a compost bin at our house (although I don't like the idea of critters and snakes finding their way in to it... So I may think differently next year)... We are going to buy this Kitchen Compost Carrier for Veg to get us started... But I had to laugh when talking to my friend tonight....
I have a feeling that our Compost Bin will grow all kinds of things, but our Garden will be full of Nuthin but Compost! ha ha and maybe some Buckwheat!
Posted by Vegmom on September 11, 2008 at 11:56 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
For a house of three people we sure do go through A LOT of toilet paper... I finally decided to buy a pack of the recycled, better on the environment stuff.. It seems soft and fluffy, but we haven't tried it yet. I'll have to report back. As I'm not fond of the sandpaper type or the kind that leaves little curled up pieces of cotton all over your Bum...
But when Hubby saw the bag he said "I'm not using someone's recycled garbage to wipe my bottom with"
HELLO??? Have you seen what comes out of your bottom that requires the wiping in the first place?? I'm thinking it will be OK!
Stay tuned for the Toilet Paper Test.... Does it pass the Wipe?... You shall learn soon enough!
Posted by Vegmom on September 11, 2008 at 10:34 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
I intended to use some newspapers lying around to wrap a gift for a birthday party we were going to tonight, but let me tell you.... Finding a piece of Newsprint these days that doesn't contain a bad story, picture or advertisement was much harder then I thought.
So as we were on our way out the door, I saw this Brown bag in my recycle corner that fit the job perfectly. It didn't contain a store name so it was easy for Veg to color all over and I just rolled the top down to fit our gift.
The card was just a small one I made last year and it was stuck to the wrapping with a ribbon and tape..
Simple, Recycled, Reused and Easy!! I love when that happens!
Posted by Vegmom on September 06, 2008 at 08:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)