I've been plugging away on our old Desktop for years, I'm pretty sure the number is 8 years if I remember correctly.
My Mom says every visit "When are you going to get your self a new computer?"
Hubby would say "When are you going to replace this thing, it is a piece of junk"
Sure, it is slow, tired and old, but it always worked, never gave me lip, and did what I needed done.
- Pictures
- Videos
- iTunes (iPod)
- Blogging
- Web Browsing
- Email
That's really all I used it for. Maybe an occasional Word Doc. or saving files, but it worked! Until recently it started talking back. Buzzing, not turning on the monitor and otherwise breaking down.
When I could no longer load my videos off the camera, I decided enough was enough and began looking...
8 Months, later after searching all different computers and laptops, checking out prices and yelling at myself for even THINKING about spending that much money on a computer, I found myself staring at the Apple MacBook Air .
Then I bought one:
Sleek, portable, light weight, quiet (as in silent) and has everything I need to do what I like to do...
So there is an Apple in the house:
If only I could figure out how to use the dang thing! I'm getting better, but everything backwards is driving me a little nutty.
Any mac users want to throw tips or apps my way, I'd appreciate it *smile*
Currently I'm trying to figure out how to use several browsers at the same time as I tend to multi-task, is that possible?
**UPDATE** I figured out the browser thing.. And how to customize what I see/use when in Safari! Doing Happy Dance!!!
Anyway, I'm enjoying this little thing, and super cool for Moms on the go (which I am one of those)